
Your Reliable Partner for Industry and Technical Trade

Welcome to EIG GmbH! With 26 years of experience, we are your reliable partner in the areas of consulting, sales, delivery and service for the oil and gas, petrochemical, steel production, power plants, cement and railroad industries. Our main activities are as follows:
  • Trade in industrial equipment and machinery;
  • Procurement of raw materials and trading services;
  • Procurement of goods in various sectors;
  • Consulting services and trading in various specialist areas;
  • Participation in tenders and auctions;
  • Conducting trading activities in international trade;
  • Electrical installations and services;
In addition, we invest in business projects and provide first-class electrical installations and services to support our customers' infrastructure.
EIG GmbH is a renowned trading company in Germany that enjoys an excellent reputation due to its many years of experience and outstanding service. We work closely with a wide range of manufacturers and suppliers worldwide to provide our customers with high quality products at competitive prices.
By establishing competence-based supply chain offices around the world, we offer our customers a reliable base and support them at all times with a dedicated team. Our commitment to practicality and functionality is reflected in the quality of our work and the long-standing relationships we have built with our customers.
At EIG GmbH, we pride ourselves on being a trusted partner to our customers and stand ready to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.
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We offer you comprehensive services for sales and logistics processes

Industries in which we already operate successfully as sales partners:

Industries in which we operate

By relying on qualified and experienced employees and contributing their expertise to our partners, we are able to ensure sustainable cooperation. Mutual trust is an important basis for this.
We pride ourselves on being part of a growing supplier and customer service community of more than 300 companies. This includes different branches of industry around and in Iran:
Öl und Gasraffinerien

Oil and gas refineries




Power plants


Steel mines

Petrochemische Industrie


Aluminium Produktionsanlagen

Production facilities

Bahn und U-Bahnindustrie

Railway and
Subway industry

Lebensmittel und Getränkefabriken

Food and beverage factories


Drilling company

Medizinische und Pharmazeutische Industrie

Medical and pharmaceutical industry


Copper production factories

Excellent reputation
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A large number of manufacturers and suppliers around the world
Sustainable cooperation with our customers based on mutual trust



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